Monday, May 18, 2020

Been a long time, hasn't it?

The last time I posted in this blog was two years ago.  Back in those days, we were tuned in to "Riverdale", shows from the 1980s were suddenly hip again, and we could actually leave our homes without a mask on!

So, I thought...since it's 2020, and we're all stuck inside until the pandemic decides to go away, I thought I'd resurrect this blog.  At least for today.  The future of this blog after that?  Who knows?

Anyway, I thought that after two years, I should probably explain where I disappeared to.  I kind of just ghosted all of you, which wasn't really my intention.  You see, 2018 was a year in which a lot of things changed.  

2018 was a year in which I kind of had a mini breakdown of sorts.  I was not feeling up to writing, I was feeling more anxious and depressed, and I even suffered from panic attacks back in the day.  It was enough for me to decide that I needed a break from writing to find out what was wrong with me.

Turns out that I have severe anxiety and depression.  Who would have thought?

I was officially diagnosed in August 2018.  And in that time, I've been doing a lot of work with trying to cope with it.  I can't say that it has been an easy road back.  To tell you all the truth, I still have my good days and my bad days.  Let's put it this way - COVID-19 has been a major stress factor, especially as someone who is an essential worker.  But, being in treatment for almost two years has really made me see things clearly.  I may have lost my spark for writing, but I developed a love of creating art pieces.  Apparently, I'm a great artist - well, in some aspects anyway.  And, once this pandemic ends, I have a lot of future plans that I hope I will share with you sometime soon.

In the meantime, you may have noticed that I've changed the name of the blog - temporarily - to A POP CULTURE ADDICT IN REHAB.  To be honest, if I consider starting this up again, I don't think I have it in me to write about pop culture anymore.  I'm kind of burned out on it.

So, this leaves things up to you.  If I were to kickstart this once more, what topics would you like to discuss?

Anyway, that's what I wanted to say.  I'm doing okay.  A lot better than I was two years ago.  And I hope all of you are doing well too.

Stay safe, wear a mask, sanitize your hands, and stay six feet away from people - or two metres, if you love the metric system.

Nice to "see" you all again!